- Geunal

Types of

Achieving Satisfying Results with
Customized Surgical Methods
for Characteristics of Each Individual

Geunal Technique


  • 1-2 hours

  • Sedation

  • None

  • After 7 days

  • 1 visit (for sitich removal)

  • About 1 week

Geunal Rhinoplasty Before&After

> GEUNAL nose center

Rhinoplasty Considering
Height, Line, and Angle
for Facial Balance

Creating a naturally beautiful nose line that maintain
ideal proportions from every angle.

The perfect balance from the forehead to the nose tip,
and the angle with the lips,
resulting in a beautifully defined nose bridge.

> Detail

Geunal Plastic Surgery Rhinoplasty
Precision Analysis System

In-depth examination using 3D-CT analysis

3D-CT precision analysis allows for a detailed and accurate assessment
of the nasal bone structure, septum condition, and degree of deviation,
enabling safer and more precise surgeries.
Degree of Nasal Deviation and Presence of Septal Curvature
Correcting a deviated nose caused by asymmetry in the bone or
cartilage can improve both the aesthetic appearance
and functional aspects.


Condition of Nasal Congestion
When using septal cartilage for rhinoplasty,
the size and shape of the septal cartilage are precisely analyzed
to create a detailed surgical plan.


Width of Nasal Bone
By accurately analyzing the size and shape
of the nasal bone, rhinoplasty can be combined with nasal bone
osteotomy if correction of the nasal bone width is necessary.



Geunal Plastic Surgery Customized Rhinoplasty
Understanding both the shape and internal structure

Case 01.

Low Nose

Enhancing a low nose bridge and correcting the nose tip can provide a refined nose line
and add dimension to a flat face. Geunal’s low nose rhinoplasty is not just about raising the nose.
It considers the overall shape, height, and angle of the nose to create a harmonious nose line
that complements the face.


The nose tip is operated on using only cartilage, while the upper part of the nose uses implants.
Since no artificial implants are used in the nose tip, it remains safe and natural-looking in the
long term. The implants for the bridge are handcrafted and adjusted to match the nasal
width of individual, creating a natural-looking front profile without a chalk-like appearance.

Case 02.

Hump Nose

Smoothing out the protruding parts and lifting the drooping nose tip (hooked nose) to create a refined nose line. For hump nose types, it’s crucial to identify the root cause of the protrusion and drooping tip to prevent recurrence of the hump or drooping.


  • 01.
    Mild Hump

    The protruding hump is filed down through an incision inside the nose.

    If the bridge or tip needs to be raised, implants and cartilage customized to the characteristics of individual are used.

  • 02.
    Severe Hump

    The protruding parts of the bone and cartilage are gradually removed through an internal nasal approach.

    If the bridge or tip needs to be raised, implants and cartilage customized to the characteristics of individual are used.

  • 03.
    High Nasal Bridge and Drooping Nose Tip

    Maintain or slightly remove the mild hump depending on the situation.

    Augment the bridge and tip using autologous cartilage.

Case 03.

Bulbous Nose

When the nose tip is rounded and wide, it can make the nose appear lower and the overall
nose larger, giving a less refined impression. At Geunal Plastic Surgery,
we create the most ideal nose line for the face by narrowing the nose tip or removing excess fat,
depending on the degree of bulbousness of the nose tip.


Bulbous noses with large and wide nose tip cartilage

A procedure is performed to trim some of the excessively developed alar cartilage and gather the
cartilage together. The nose tip has alar-shaped cartilage, and the degree of spreading affects
the bulbous appearance. Depending on the spread and desired height, some of the alar cartilage is
trimmed or connected with the septal cartilage to refine the nose tip shape.

Case 04.

Upturned Nose(Short Nose)

Since the extent to which the nose length can be extended varies depending on the skin
characteristics of individual, at Geunal Plastic Surgery, we consider the skin properties,
facial proportions, and the appropriate nose length of each person to create a smooth
and refined nose line.


  • Cartilage Reshaping Surgery

    Cartilage reshaping surgery is suitable
    for mild cases of upturned (short) noses.
    This procedure corrects the upturned
    nose by fixing the upward-pointing alar
    cartilage downward.

  • Cartilage Grafting Surgery

    When cartilage reshaping surgery
    alone is insufficient to extend the nose
    tip length, additional septal cartilage is
    harvested and used between the septal
    and alar cartilage to lengthen the nose tip.

  • Cartilage Reshaping +
    Cartilage Grafting + Rhinoplasty

    The alar cartilage is separated from the nasal
    bridge cartilage and moved forward, then
    supported with septal cartilage to prevent it
    from pulling up. If the nasal bridge needs to be
    raised further, artificial implants or autologous
    tissue can be used to refine the upturned (short)
    nose into a more sophisticated nose line.

Case 05.

Drooping Nose(Hooked Nose)

When the nose, the center of the face, is long, it disrupts the overall balance of the face,
making you look older than your actual age. A drooping nose typically occurs because the
nasal tip cartilage is long or extends downward. To correct this, the drooping tip needs to be lifted.


  • Step.01

    By trimming and tying
    part of the nasal tip cartilage,
    the cartilage is moved upward,
    reducing the length of the nose.

  • >

    A support structure is built
    using autologous cartilage
    at the nasal columella to firmly
    secure the nasal tip cartilage.

  • >

    The muscle that pulls the nasal tip
    downward is trimmed to prevent
    (Trimming the muscle is essential to prevent
    recurrence of nasal tip drooping.)

  • >

    If necessary,
    the nasal tip is raised
    and shaped using an implant
    to create a beautiful nose line.

Case 06.

Crooked Nose

A crooked nose not only presents aesthetic issues but can also affect nasal septum deviation,
nasal congestion, snoring, headaches, and breathing. It is advisable to correct a crooked nose
properly to address both cosmetic and functional aspects. The surgery can straighten the nose
and improve functional issues by simultaneously performing septoplasty and rhinitis surgery.


  • Mild Crookedness

    An implant is crafted
    in the opposite direction
    of the bend and carefully inserted
    to fit snugly.

  • or
    Severe Crookedness

    The nasal bones are osteotomized,
    the septal cartilage is straightened,
    and the cartilage is symmetrically aligned
    to correct the deformity.

Case 07.

Nostril Reduction

When the nostrils are wide or thick, making the nose look bulky or congested, nostril reduction surgery can help improve the appearance.
Reducing the nostrils should not make them look pinched, and the scars should be minimal and well-hidden.


01. Method to Reduce Nostril Skin

Incisions are made at the lower part of the nostrils
to reduce their size and gather the rounded nose tip.

02. Method to Tie and Gather the Inside of the Nostrils

If only the lower part of the nostrils is wide, sutures are placed under the nostrils to pull them together,
naturally narrowing the nostrils and lifting the nose tip.

Geunal plastic surgery

more beautiful
than yesterday

When choosing implants, the skin thickness,
presence of allergies, and size of the nasal cartilage
are all considered.

We create a satisfactory nose line with a customized
1:1 design that accurately reflects the desired shape.

Why Geunal is Extra Special

Plastic Surgery!

At Geunal Plastic Surgery,
we design surgeries considering condition,
facial harmony, and preferences of each individual.
By minimizing weaknesses and highlighting strengths,
we strive to achieve the most ideal surgical results.

Responsibility System!

Geunal Plastic Surgery ensures that the every medical
professional is responsible for the consultation, surgery,
follow-up, and care. This approach aims to deliver safer
and higher-quality surgical outcomes by adapting the
process to the unique characteristics of each patient.

Surgical Team!

Geunal Plastic Surgery practices transparency
by disclosing the names of the operating surgeons.
This system helps prevent potential medical accidents
and ensures thorough postoperative care for patients.


Geunal Plastic Surgery prioritizes safety with advanced systems
like the Safe Anesthesia System and Uninterruptible Power
Supply System both inside and outside the operating room.
Additionally, we operate a care center that includes a recovery
management system and swelling management system to support
patients' recovery after surgery.